Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Organization and the Activities of the 1 German-Netherlands Corps and the Air Operations Coordination Center. The Corps shall consist of binational and national elements. Details are laid down in Annex A. The binational elements shall consist of the Corps Headquarters and its Staff Support Unit as well as the Staff of the Command Support Group and its Staff Company. These elements shall be integrated, binationally structured and manned on an equal and binational basis. The national elements shall consist of at least one Division each, parts of the Corps Troops and the national Support Units. The Divisions shall have forces for organic combat, combat support, command and control support as well as sufficient logistic and medical elements. In principle, the divisions shall be self-supporting. The Contracting Parties shall in addition provide Corps Troops on the basis of equality of contributions. After consultation with the other Contracting Party, other national formations or units can be assigned to the Corps. After consultation with the other Contracting Party, other national formations or units can be added to the Corps in peacetime for organizational reasons. These formations or units, however, shall remain within the national chain of command. The organization and internal structure of the national elements shall be a national responsibility. The structure of the binational elements, including personnel and materiel, shall be defined in the General Directive. In Verschil Tussen Pachten En Huren, the Staff of the Command Support Group is located at Eibergen, The Netherlands. Details regarding the location of binational elements of the Corps shall be laid down in the General Verschil Tussen Pachten En Huren. Directives concerning the tasks and missions as stated in Article 3 of the Convention and Article 2 of this Agreement shall be issued to the Commander of the Corps by the respective competent national authorities after mutual consultation and coordination. Directives for national purposes to national elements of the Corps or to those national formations which, for organizational reasons, are added to the Corps, shall be issued by the respective competent national authorities and channelled through the Commander of the Corps. In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention the Commander of the Corps is vested with an integrated directing and control authority to enable him to take full responsibility for the implementation of all directives as specified in paragraphs 1 through 3 of this Article. Subsequently he may issue directives to the binational and national elements of the Corps and prioritize when necessary, with the exception of national territorial tasks. He may delegate this authority to subordinated commanders to the extent necessary. Further details with regard to the integrated directing and control authority are laid down in Annex B. Should the execution of national or binational tasks be jeopardized, the Commander of the Corps shall report to the respective higher authorities. When necessary, the Inspekteur des Heeres and the Bevelhebber der Landstrijdkrachten shall give guidance after mutual consultation. The Commander of the Corps shall define the scope and content of the authority of the commanders of the binational elements subordinated to him, within the scope and content of his own authority. The control of the execution of binational tasks by the Corps shall be ensured by the Contracting Parties. The Inspekteur des Heeres and the Bevelhebber der Landstrijdkrachten shall inform each other about their findings and agree on measures to be taken. In coordination with his subordinated commanders the Commander of the Corps shall annually draft a plan in order to achieve the goals for the next year. This plan shall be submitted, through the appropriate channels, to the Inspekteur des Heeres and the Bevelhebber der Landstrijdkrachten for approval. The Inspekteur des Heeres and the Bevelhebber der Landstrijdkrachten shall be briefed quarterly by the Commander of the Corps on the progress made. In addition he shall submit an annual evaluation-report through the appropriate channels to the Inspekteur des Heeres and the Bevelhebber der Landstrijdkrachten. The binational elements and the national elements subordinated to the Corps, as listed in Annex A, are under the integrated directing and control authority of the Commander of the Corps in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention and as further specified in this Agreement. National regulations with regard to subordination for the execution of national territorial tasks are to be taken into consideration. This shall not affect the integrated directing and control authority of the Commander of the Corps. After mutual agreement the Federal Ministry of Defence of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of the Netherlands may, for the execution of the tasks and missions as mentioned in Article 3 of the Convention and Article 2 of this Agreement, assign additional formations and units to the Corps, in accordance with the relevant NATO documents. Excepted from this rule are transition periods that may be needed to avoid a simultaneous change of the incumbents Verschil Tussen Pachten En Huren both posts. Such transition periods shall not exceed three months; deviations require mutual agreement. The Senior Press and Information Officer shall be of the same force as the Commander of the Corps. The term of assignment to the rotational posts shall be determined in mutual agreement between the Federal Ministry of Defence of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Im Rahmen der nationalen logistischen Systeme ist der Kommandierende General mit der gleichen Befugnis wie ein nationaler Kommandierender General ausgestattet. Een beer- en afvalput uit het gastenkwartier AD Anton Ervynck. Duitse nationale onderdelen, ondergeschikt aan het Korps. It is to be supplemented in accordance with the NATO cost structure and possibly the major expenditures specific to the Corps. The Commander of the Corps shall determine the goals of the exercises in accordance with NATO doctrine, national directives and the tasks of the Corps as laid down in Article 3 of the Convention and Article 2 of this Agreement.
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