Skip to Content Skip to Main Navigation Skip to Footer Skip to Search. Viola Siegl. This website uses technically necessary cookies to offer the best possible functionality. Search Search for. Faculties and Institutions You Are Here: Announcements RWTH Main page Intranet. Faculties and Institutes Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences Faculty 1 Architecture Faculty 2 Civil Engineering Faculty 3 Mechanical Engineering Turkish Speed Dating Düsseldorf Erfahrungen 4 Georesources and Materials Engineering Faculty 5 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Faculty 6 Arts and Humanities Faculty 7 Business and Economics Faculty 8 Medicine Faculty 10 Find Institute: Search for. Institutions University Library IT Center Center for Teaching and Learning Services Athletics and Recreation Central University Administration All Institutions. Navigation Academics Research The Institute. You Are Here: Home The Institute Announcements. Share on LinkedIn. Share on Xing. Share on Facebook. Announcements Contact for Public Relations: Viola Siegl. Search for. Show results per page. Turn Page Sie sind auf Seite: Innovative textile recycling: New partnership will simplify the processing of textiles in the Recycling Atelier at TH and ITA Augsburg in future. South Korea, and Germany cooperate in the field of industrial digitalisation and renewable energies. Now on the market: "Gut in Schuss! Chun-Shik Kim. Podcast episode on protective clothing Turkish Speed Dating Düsseldorf Erfahrungen the fire service. ITA at the Renewable Materials Conference. Textile circular economy: millions in funding for the Circular Textiles Innovation Community at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences. Networking Day — successful round three! Co-operation agreement and company formation: go-ahead given for major Textile Factory 7. Optimisation of production steps and ecological decision-making aid for the selection of more sustainable products. Producing fully sustainable buildings and clothing to protect the climate - SA Dynamics receives Innovation Award. Happy Birthday, Professor Gries! Bio-based insulation textiles instead of synthetic insulation ma-terials are set to revolutionise the construction world. Thank you for the productive exchange! INGRAIN image film online. Artificial intelligence and nonwovens - new opportunities for the future of textile recycling. German companies at a crossroads: Artificial intelligence as an untapped key to sustainability. How sustainable construction works - bio-based aerogel fibres replace synthetic insulation materials. Growth through digitalisation: Prof. Self-driven and sustainable removal of oil spills in water using textiles. Lower costs thanks to future ultra-thin carbon fibres and pro-gress in sorting used textiles using NIR near infrared sensors. ITA in "How the future is woven". Faster and cheaper carbon fibre production with CarboScreen. Natural fibre-reinforced plastic sculpture for Dr Susanne Klatten. Complete success: ITA at "5 to 12" - The RWTH Science Night.
Launch of doctoral school VERBUND. ITA Augsburg: New affiliated institute of the Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences. DNFI Innovation in Natural Fibres Award Popzyk and Klein Win in Worldwide Voting. Professor Dr Thomas Gries and Dr Frederik Cloppenburg at the Hybrid ITMF Annual Conference Institutions University Library IT Center Center for Teaching and Learning Services Athletics and Recreation Central University Administration All Institutions. Denise Reininger Denise Reiniger honoured as best textile laboratory assistant in NRW of IHK at Eurogress Aachen.
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